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Charles Stanley

Charles Stanley (1819 - 1901) was the first chess champion (though unofficial) of the United States. He became the champion in 1845 after defeating Eugene Rousseau in the first US Championship in New Orleans, which he helped organize.

Stanley was an Englishman who came to the USA in 1843, and his English ideas had a great influence on American chess.

One of his ideas was to have a regular newspaper column devoted to chess, which he started in 1845 in The Spririt of the Times. He also started the American Chess Magazine in 1846, but others copied the idea (which originated in England), and competition forced the magazine out of business.

In 1855 he organized the first World Problem Tournament.

In 1846 he published the first US book on a chess match, 31 Games of Chess.

Stanley is a little known figure who has been eclipsed by the achievements of the world famous Paul Morphy.

He was married and had a daughter Pauline, who was named after Morphy.