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Carlton house desk

A Carlton house desk is a specific antique desk form within the more general bureau a gradin form. This specific form is supposed to have been designed in the 18th century for the prince of Wales (who would later become George IV) by George Hepplewhite. It is named after Carlton house, which was at the time the London residence of the prince of Wales. This kind of desk is sometimes also known as a Carlton house writing table

The desk is like a normal writing table but the small drawers above the surface form a U shape around the user instead of being merely set up in front of him (or her) as is usual in a typical bureau a gradin. Unlike other typess of bureau a gradin the Carlton house desk usually offers no pigeonholes.

Drawings of this type of desk were presented by Hepplewhite in his famous design book (The Cabinet Maker’s London Book of Prices)and by Sheraton in his own famous book of designs (The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing Book), thus ensuring its popularity.

See also the list of desk forms and types.