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In Greek mythology, three women were named Callirhoe or Callirrhoe:
  1. A daughter of Oceanus and mother of Echidna, one of the Oceanids.
  2. The daughter of Achelous. She was betrothed to Alcmaeon at the time of his death.
  3. A Calydonian woman who scorned a priest of Dionysus who in turn threatened to inflict all the women of Calydon with insanity (see Bacchae). The priest was ordered (by who?) to sacrifice Callirhoe but he killed himself instead. Callirhoe threw herself into a well which was later named after her.

Callirhoe is the title of the only novel known to have been written by the ancient Greek author Chariton.

In biology, Callirhoe is the genus of the poppy mallow plants.

Josephus mentions Herod the Great seeking relief from his terminal illness at the hot springs of Callirhoe or Callirrhoe, said to be east of the Dead Sea.

The Athenian Callirhoe is a hotel in Athens. [1]