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Burzum was a founding band of the Norwegian Black metal movement, and is also one of the more well-known Nazi Black Metal bands. Burzum was the vehicle of one man, calling himself Varg Vikernes. Vikernes is currently in prison for murder. He has recorded two albums in prison, both relying on keyboards entirely and in his own estimation, not being related to Black metal. His Black metal albums are known for their curiously sedate violence as well as their hypnotic repetition and simple but sometimes profound structure.

Cover of Burzum (1992 edition)

The word burzum means "The Darkness" in J. R. R. Tolkien's doubly artificial language, the Black Speech. In his works, this language was created by the dark lord Sauron to be used by his minions, who were apt to speak all kinds of different dialects and languages. Compare this with Varg Vikernes' stage alias Count Grishnakh, the last word being the name of an Orc in said author's works.


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