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Bullock's Oriole

Bullock's Oriole
Scientific Classification
Order: Passeriformes
Binomial name
Icterus bullockii

The Bullock's Oriole, Icterus bullockii, is a small blackbird. At one time, this species and the Baltimore Oriole were considered to be a single species, the Northern Oriole.

Adults have a pointed bill. The adult male is orange on the underparts, face and rump with black everywhere else; they have a white wing patch. The adult female is grey-brown on the upper parts, dull yellow on the breast and belly and has wing bars.

Their breeding habitat is the edges of deciduous and mixed woods across western North America. The range of this bird overlaps with that of the similar Baltimore Oriole in the east; these two birds sometimes interbreed where their ranges overlap. The nest is a tightly woven pouch located on the end of a branch.

These birds migrate to Mexico and Central America.

These birds forage in trees and shrubs, also making short flights to catch insects. They mainly eat insects, berries and nectar.

This bird's song is similar to that of the Baltimore Oriole, but faster and somewhat more harsh.

This bird was named after William Bullock, an English amateur naturalist.