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Brown Jay

Scientific classification
Binomial name
Cyanocorax morio
This large Jay (Cyanocorax morio) has the look of a Magpie about it, but is slightly smaller and with a shorter tail, though the bill is larger.

The whole bird has a sepia brown look to it, black-brown on the head becoming lighter especially on the undersides. The legs and feet are black and the bill is also black, sometimes with yellow in it. The young bird has a yellow bill.

It occours from Mexico down into Central America on the eastern side and does not occur to the west of its north-south range.

Food is sought largely in trees but it also takes some food from the ground. Insects and a wide range of other invertebrates are taken, also lizards, fruit, and nectar. Though it does take eggs and nestlings, it appears not too if there is plenty of other foods available.

The nest is built in a tree or large shrub with both sexes helping in construction. There are normally three eggs laid but six is not unusual. Incubation is between 18-20 days. Only the female broods but the father feeds her while doing so.

Sometimes the young from another year will help in raising the chicks too. If a helper bird returns with food, it will give it to one of the resident parents to feed the chicks.

The voice is a loud but low pitched pee-ah call and is often modified to suit its situation or mood.