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Broken - The Movie

The Broken Movie is a full length music video used byNine Inch Nails to promote their Broken EP, released in 1992. It is more of compilation video because each video in the package was recorded separately and then edited together.

The whole video is about 30 minutes in length and features videos for all of the tracks from "Broken". The wraparound story of a US Marine being kidnapped and made to watch Nine Inch Nails videos while being tortured, allegedly provoked an investigation by the FBI who thought that it was a snuff film.

The video for "Happiness In Slavery" was lifted from the compilation and used to promote the single of the same name. The video features performance artist Bob Flanagan strapping himself into a machine that subsequently rapes and kills him and the video was universally banned.

The video has not been given an official commercial release thus adding to its mythological status in Alternative Culture. A future release seems unlikely, but it is available on some Nine Inch Nails fansites as well as on file sharing networks in Mpeg form. These are generally not of the highest quality as they are not first generation copies.