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Brian Froud

Brian Froud (born 1947) is an illustrator of faeries and goblins. He works in Devon and the landscapes in his paintings are frequently inspired by Dartmoor.

Brian Froud's work has also been used as the inspiration for creatures in films such as The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth (both in conjunction with Jim Henson's Creature Shop).

He collaborated with Terry Jones, who was a screenwriter on Labyrinth, on The Goblins of the Labyrinth (1986, re-issued in abridged form as The Goblin Companion: A Field Guide to Goblins in 1996), and subsequently on a number of non-Labyrinth-related books about fairies and goblins, beginning with Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book in 1994.

More information on Brian Froud and his work can be found at the official website World of Froud.