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Blue-headed Wagtail

Blue-headed Wagtail

Nominate race, M. f. flava.
Scientific classification
Genus: Motacilla
Binomial name
Motacilla flava

The Blue-headed Wagtail (Motacilla flava) is a small passerine in the wagtail family Motacillidae, which also includes the pipits and longclaws.

This species breeds in much of temperate Europe and Asia and has foothold in North America in Alaska. Africa. It is resident in the milder parts of its range, such as western Europe, but northern and eastern populations. It migrates to Africa and south Asia. The American population winters further down the Pacific coast.

This is an insectivorous bird of open country near water, such as wet meadows. It nests in tussocks, laying 4-8 speckled eggs.

This is a slender bird, with the characteristic long, constantly wagging tail of its genus. It is the shortest tailed of the European wagtails. The breeding adult male is basically brown above and yellow below. In other plumages, the yellow may be diluted by white.

The heads of breeding males come in a variety of colours and patterns depending on subspecies. As examples, the nominate [M. f. flava of western Europe has a blue-grey head with a white supercilium, whereas the British subspecies, the Yellow Wagtail, M. f. flavissima, has a yellow head with a brighter yellow supercilium.