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Bloodscream is a comic book supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe and was once an enemy of Wolverine. The character's first appearance was in Wolverine #4 (1989).

Bloodscream was a vampire who worked in Madripoor as a criminal enforcer with his partner, Roughhouse. He often came into conflict with Wolverine's alter-ego, Patch.

As a vampire, Bloodscream had physical abilities enhanced slightly beyond the realm attainable by humans and could shape-shift. He was apparently an unusually resilient vampire. Unlike most vampires Bloodscream could apparently only be killed by metal forged from another planet other than Earth.

Unlike his partner, Roughhouse, Bloodscream persisted in bothering Wolverine long after Wolverine abandoned the Patch alter-ego and left Madripoor. Eventually Wolverine tired of this harassment and lopped his head off with a mystical sword that was forged from an other-worldly metal.

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