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Biggs Darklighter

Biggs Darklighter was a fictional character who appeared in the 1977 release of Star Wars: A New Hope. We briefly saw Biggs in the battle of Yavin in this film, where he joined Luke Skywalker and Luke's other wingman, Wedge Antilles in their attack run on the first death star.

Biggs was killed when Darth Vader fired upon him while he was flanking Luke down the death star trench.

Biggs had a larger role in the original script of the movie, but his scenes were cut to just those shown in the death star attack. His additional scenes include a conversation with Luke on Tatooine where Biggs tells Luke of his secret desire to join the Rebel Alliance. Biggs also popped up on Yavin in the Rebel base hangar where he meets Luke in a surprise encounter, just before the rebel ships take off to attack the death star. Biggs assures the rebel flight leader that Luke can handle the X-wing fighters and off they go. This scene was reintroduced in the Star Wars Special Edition versions which were released in the late 1990s.