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Backward inorder traversal

In computer science, backward inorder traversal is used in data structures, and specifically, trees and binary trees.

Programs that utilize tree structures need to process nodes in a tree (represented as circles in below diagram). Nodes contain information about an object. For now, let's assume each node contains a letter. The arrows indicate a link between nodes.

Backward InOrder Traversal is a type of tree traversal algorithm. Backward Inorder is similar to InOrder, except that the right subtree is processed first.

Steps to Backward Inorder Traversal

Given a non-empty tree,

  1. Process the nodes in the right subtree with a recursive call
  2. Process the root
  3. Process the nodes in the left subtree with a recursive call

Given a binary tree PY:

The order would go F,C,A,E,G,B,D

int backinorder_print(const binary_tree_nodes* ptr)
// ptr is a pointer to a node in a binary tree OR null
// meaning empty tree.
   if (ptr != NULL)
       backinorder_print( ptr->right() );
       std::cout << ptr->data() << std::endl;
       backorder_print( ptr->left() );
   return 0;

Pre-order traversal, post-order traversal, inorder traversal