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Ashikaga Yoshiteru

Ashikaga Yoshiteru (足利 義輝; 1536 - 65) was the 13th Ashikaga shogun who reigned from 1546 to 1565 during the late Muromachi period. He was the eldest son of the 12th shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu.

After his father Yoshiharu retired in 1546 over a politic struggle between Miyoshi Nagayoshi and Hosokawa Harumoto, Yoshiteru became Seii Taishogun, albeit a puppet shogun just like his father. Resisting the influence of Miyoshi Nagayoshi and Matsunaga Hisahide on the shogunate, and seeking to restore the power of the shogun, Yoshiteru was assassinated by Matsunaga Hisahide in 1565.

Three years passed before his cousin Ashikaga Yoshihide became the 14th shogun.

Preceded by:
Ashikaga Yoshiharu
Ashikaga shoguns Succeeded by:
Ashikaga Yoshihide