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AS/400 object

On most other platforms everything is a file. On the AS/400 everything is an object. This has certain connotations to object-oriented programming, but with the AS/400 it's different. The similarity is that when storage is allocated for something that something is of a specific type and only a specific set of programs are allowed to act upon that object. The dissimilarity is that even though the AS/400 supports Java and C++, these objects cannot be inherited like the classes in those languages.

The number of object types is huge and a small subset of them is available to users. The human readable form of the object type is always a three to six character mnemonic preceded by an asterisk. What follows is a short list of the most commonly used objects and their mnemonics:

Creating an object usually (but not always) involves a command that begins with the mneumonic "CRT". So, to create a job description you would prompt the CRTJOBD command. User profiles would be created with the CRTUSRPRF command. Similarly changing objects is done by prompting commands preceded by "CHG" (CHGJOBD, CHGUSRPRF, etc.), deleting an object uses "DLT" (DLTJOBD, DLTUSRPRF, etc.), displaying an object uses "DSP" (DSPJOBD, DSPUSRPRF, etc.), and working with a set of objects uses "WRK" (WRKJOBD, WRKUSRPRF, etc.). To view a generic set of objects in a library use the DSPOBJD command. WRKOBJ can be used to view objects in multiple libraries.