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Antsiranana, named Diégo-Suarez prior to 1975, is a city at the northern tip of Madagascar. It was a French colony in the late 19th century.

The place was named for Diego Suarez, a Portuguese navigator who visited the bay in 1543.

In the 1880s, the excellent bay, one of the finest in the world, was coveted by France, which desired it as a coaling station for steamships. On 17 December 1885, Queen Ranavalona III signed a treaty giving France a protectorate over the bay and surrounding territory, as well as the islands of Nossi-Be and Ste. Marie de Madagascar.

The colony's administration was subsumed into that of Madagascar in 1896.

Postage stamps

The colony issued its own postage stamps from 1890 to 1894, managing to produce over 60 types in that short time.