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Antoine de Rivarol

Antoine de Rivarol (June 26, 1753 - April 11, 1801), French writer and epigrammatist, was born at Bagnols in Languedoc.

It seems that his father was an innkeeper but a man of cultivated tastes. The son assumed the title of comte de Rivarol, and asserted his connexion with a noble Italian family, but his enemies said that the name was really Riverot, and that the family was not noble. After various vicissitudes he appeared in Paris in 1777. After winning some academic prizes, Rivarol distinguished himself in the year 1784 by a treatise Sur l'universalité de la langue française, and by a translation of the Inferno. The year before the Revolution broke out he, with some assistance from a man of similar but lesser talent, Champcenetz, compiled a lampoon, entitled Petit Almanach de nos grands hommes pour 1788, in which some writers of actual or future talent and a great many nobodies were ridiculed in the most pitiless manner.

When the Revolution developed the importance of the press, Rivarol at once took up arms on the Royalist side, and wrote in the Journal politique of Antoine Sabatier de Castres and the Actes des Apotres of Jean Gabriel Peltier (1770-1825). But he emigrated in 1792, and established himself at Brussels, whence he removed sccessively to London, Hamburg and Berlin where he remained till his death.

Rivarol has had no rival in France except Piron in sharp conversational sayings. These were mostly ill-natured; and mostly have a merely local application. Their brilliancy, however, can escape no one. His brother, Claude François (1762-1848), was also an author. His works include Isman, ou le fatalisme (1795), a novel; Le Véridique (1827), comedy; Essal sur les causes de la révolution française (1827).

The works of Antoine de Rivarol were published in five volumes (Paris, 1805); selections (Paris 1858) with introductory matter by Sainte-Beuve and others, and that edited in 1862 (2nd ed., 1880) by M. de Lescure, may be specified. See also M. de Lescure's Rivarol et la société française pendant la révolution et l'émigration (1882), and Le Breton's Rivarol, sa vie, ses idées (1895).
