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Ann Gilbert

Ann Gilbert (October 21, 1821 - December 2, 1904) was a British-American actress.

She was born Ann Hartley at Rochdale, Lancashire, England. At fifteen she was a pupil at the ballet school connected with the Haymarket theatre, conducted by Paul Taglioni, and became a dancer. In 1846 she married George H Gilbert (d. 1866), a performer in the theatre company of which she was a member. Together they filled many engagements in English theatres, moving to America in 1849.

Mrs Gilbert's first success in a speaking part was in 1857 as Wichavenda in John Brougham's Pocahontas. In 1869 she joined Augustin Daly's company, for many years playing opposite James Lewis as his "wife", or playing old women's parts, in which she had no equal. Mrs Gilbert was uniquely respected and popular, both with audiences and behind the footlights. She died at Chicago.

See Mrs Gilbert's Stage Reminiscences (1901).

This entry was originally from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica.