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Angela Kauffmann

Angela Kauffmann, 1741 - 1807

Painter and Royal Academician of London.

Born in Coire, Switzerland, her father was himself an unsuccessful artist. At age 13 he took her to Milan and she spent the next several years in Italy. Here she befriended Lady Wentworth, the wife of the English ambassador and accompanied her back to London in 1766.

Here she made many friends among the artistic community, the most notable being Sir Joshua Reynolds She developed a thriving potrait business and was also employed by the Brothers Adam, contemporary fashionable interior designers, to paint walls and ceilings. She also painted some of the small medallions that appeared on their furniture and suggested the designs of many more.

Also employed by Robert Adam was Antonio Zucchi. When her first husband died, in 1781 they were married and shortly afterwards retired to Rome where she spent the rest of her life.