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Andrea Wilborn

Andrea Wilborn was the daughter of Priscilla Davis. Andrea was a fervent animal lover during her short life. The allegedly naive young woman was 12 when she was killed on August 2, 1976.

When she was home alone in her mother's mansion on the 4000 block of Mockingbird Lane in Fort Worth, Texas, the killer found her there. He either tricked her or dragged her into the wine cellar. He made Andrea Wilborn kneel, and he shot her dead. Her blood splattered on the killer, causing him to make a bloody handprint. Andrea was not likely an intended target, as she lived with her father. But she was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and so she died.

When Priscilla Davis and her lover Stan Farr came home, the killer went after them. Priscilla and her friend Gus Gavrel, whom came on the scene, were injured. Stan Farr was killed.

T. Cullen Davis was tried and found innocent of Andrea's murder, a conspiracy to kill Priscilla and a judge, and a wrongful death lawsuit, but he went broke afterwards.