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Agadir Crisis

The Agadir Crisis, also called the Second Morocco Crisis, was the international tension sparked by the deployment of a German warship to the Moroccan port of Agadir on July 1, 1911.

The German move was aimed at reinforcing claims for compensation for acceptance of effective French control of the North African kingdom, where France's pre-eminence had been upheld by the 1906 Algeciras Conference following the Tangier Crisis (or First Morocco Crisis) of the previous year.

Franco-German negotiations initiated on July 9 led to the conclusion (November 4) of a convention under which Germany accepted France's position in Morocco in return for territory in the French Equatorial African colony of Middle Congo (now the Republic of the Congo).

France subsequently established a full protectorate over Morocco (March 30, 1912), ending what remained of the country's formal independence.

British backing for France during the crisis reinforced the Entente between the two countries and added to Anglo-German estrangement, deepening the divisions which would culminate in World War I.