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Academic dress of the University of Wales

The University of Wales was chartered in 1893, and consisted of three colleges that had existed for some time before - at Aberystwyth (founded 1872), Bangor (founded 1884) and Cardiff (founded 1883); they had awarded external degrees of the university of London. These were joined by other colleges - Swansea in 1920; the School of Medicine in 1931 being the principal ones. There have been several amalgamations and additions in recent years. In 1971, St David's College, Lampeter joined the federation.

The academic dress of the university was designed for the first graduations in 1893. The main identifying feature of the scheme is the use of shot silks. It owes largely to the academic dress of Cambridge University, but also to the academic dress of the University of London.

Undergraduates wear a black stuff gown, with bell sleeves.

Holders of Foundation degrees and certain diplomas wear the bachelors' gown (see below) and a black hood, bound with a cord of blue, crimson and gold.

Bachelors wear a black stuff or silk gown, with open pointed sleeves; the forearm seam is split from the wrist for about 5", and the two flaps are turned back and held by black buttons. There is a strip of black ribbon between the flaps, held by the third button. They have black hoods, made in a version of the Oxford simple shape, faced inside for 4" with the faculty silk.
Exceptions: BMus has a dark blue hood; MB,BCh and BDS have their hoods fully lined.
All bachelors use a black cloth 'mortar-board'.

Masters of Chemistry, of Mathematics, of Physics, and of Earth Sciences use the bachelors' gown, with the MSc hood.

Masters wear a black stuff or silk gown, with long closed sleeves, with a slit at elbow level to free the arm. The shape of the cut at the sleeve base is peculiar to the university. They have black silk hoods, of the Cambridge shape, lined and bound for 1/2" with the faculty silk.
Exceptions: MMus has a dark blue hood; MPhil uses the relevant hood (MA, MSc etc) bound for 1" with crimson silk.
All masters use a black cloth 'mortar-board'.

Doctors of Philosophy (PhD), of Engineering (EngD), of Nursing Science (DNursSc), of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy), of Educational Psychology (DEdPsy), and of Ministry (DMin) wear a crimson cloth robe of the Cambridge pattern (long open sleeves); the facings are covered, and the sleeves lined, with faculty silk. Their hoods are of crimson, lined and bound 1/2" to match the robe. In undress, they use the masters' black gown. They use a black velvet 'mortar-board'.

Higher doctors (DD, LL.D, MD, DMus, DLitt, DSc, DScEcon, DChD) wear the same robes as the other doctors, but the dress robe and the hood are made of scarlet.

Faculty silks

Arts & Letters: mazarin blue shot green. (BA, MA, DLitt)
Librarianship: mazarin blue shot green, bound white. (BLib, MLib)
Science: bronze colour (yellow shot black). (BSc, MSc, DSc; MChem, MMath, MPhys)
Science(Technology): bronze colour, bound white. (BScTech)
Engineering: red shot green. BEng, MEng, EngD, DEng)
Engineering (Technology): red shot green bound 1/2" white. (BEngTech)
Pharmacy: blue shot white. (BPharm, MPharm)
Music: pearl colour. (BMus, MMus, DMus)
Laws: red shot purple. (LL.B, LL.M, LL.D)
Theology & Divinity: red shot blue. (BD, MTh, DD)
Theology & Ministry: red shot blue bound white (BTh, MMin, DMin)
Medicine: green shot black, bound white. (MB,BCh, MCh, MD)
Medical Science: bronze colour bound green shot black (BMedSc)
Dentistry: blue shot white bound purple. (BDS, MChD, MScD, DChD)
Nursing: green shot white bound red (BN, MN, DNursSc)
Public Health: green shot black bound emerald green. (MPH)
Architecture: red shot scarlet. (BArch)
Economic & Social Sciences: red shot yellow. (BScEcon, MScEcon, DScEcon)
Business Administration: red shot yellow bound light blue (MBA, EMBS)
Education: green shot white (BEd, MEd, EdD)
Clinical & Educational Psychology: as Science. (DClinPsy, DEdPsy)

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University of Wales