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Abdul Rahman Arif

Abdul Rahman Arif (born 1916 or 1918) was president of Iraq from April 16, 1966 to July 16, 1968. When his brother, Abdul Salam Arif was killed in a helicopter crash, Abdul Rahman al-Bazzaz became acting president, but three days later the military decided that Abdul Salam should be succeeded by his older brother instead. His presidency was a turbulent one, and on July 16, 1968, while the president was sleeping, his own assistants along with members of the Ba'ath Party overthrew him in a coup. It was accomplished when the defense minister, Hardan Al-Tikriti phoned the president informing him that he was no longer president. Arif was then kidnapped and exiled to Turkey. He returned to Iraq in 1979, when Saddam Hussein came to power, but he has managed to stay out of politics. He was allowed to leave the country once to undertake the Hajj.