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7th Heaven

7th Heaven is an US television series about a minister's family living in the fictional town of Glenoak in California.

The central characters are Reverend Eric Camden, his wife Annie and their children. Originally the family consisted of five children (Matt, Mary, Lucy, Simon and Ruthie), but several seasons into the show the character of Annie got pregnant and had twins, Sam and David. Two of the children, Matt and Mary, have moved away from home and no longer appear on the show. The actress who played Mary, Jessica Biel, left the show after posing for some nude photographs for Gear magazine; she had been dissatisified with her "goody goody" image.

Although originally produced by FOX in 1996, the show is now shown on and produced by the WB television network. Its producers, including Aaron Spelling, consider it wholesome family viewing, incorporating public service announcements into the show.


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